Premium Organic Product Lines

CHRIS le FAY will present five Premium Organic product lines in 2025. The potency of the natural cosmos combined with state-of-the-art bio-tech. Away from the cosmetics industry, we make the wonders and beauty of nature accessible to people. Stay informed when and where CHRIS le FAY is available.

Chris Le Fay Colax Serum


The only formula with the SUPERNATURALS: collagen, hyaluronic acid and astaxanthin. Vegan and made from pure nature. The three queens of active ingredients in one premium line.


Fresh as newborn. Fresh & Clean Cosmetics without artificial stabilizers and emulsifiers. The highest and most modern standard in fresh cosmetics.

Chris Le Fay Glow Serum


The latest BIO-CELL and NANO technologies meet super essences. Our signature from over 30 years of research, refined in products. Effects and sensations that your skin has not known before.


It was time for a new fragrance concept. Something that moves the world and has a function, that smells like real life.


The cosmos, the earth, nature and life are made up of frequencies. Chris le Fay brings a whole new dimension to cosmetics. We call it Cosmic.

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